Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Greetings from Fr. Bill

Dear friends & family,

I will be leaving this Wed to do some missionary work in Mexico. Contrary to popular misconception, it is not immoral to smile or enjoy yourself while serving the Lord. I plan on having a delightful time!

My traveling companion is Fr. Simon Kim, a fellow priest of the Diocese of Orange, who is studying for his Doctorate @ Catholic University. His thesis is on the interchange of Liberation Theology and the theology of immigrants at our border. This mission should be a blessing to us both. We will be visiting and helping various place of need and ministry along the way. I hope you enjoy the photos, videos and stories. I know we would appreciate the blessing of your prayers.

Padre Bill


MShaw said...

Be safe, Padre.
I have my teens at Holy Family praying for you.

TheGamut said...

We think you should use a GPS device and post the trails you guys blaze. :)